The first action of the “VARANA Rotary Community Action Group” took place, Thursday, April 25, 2019, at the Day Center in Găgesti, Bolotești commune, coordinated by Father Marian Tudor. Here, this cheerful priest takes care of 30 children between the ages of 3 and 12 who receive daily a warm meal and help from some volunteer teachers for school themes and projects. Also in this Center are living temporarily five mothers victims of domestic abuse, along with their children.
On the occasion of the Easter Holidays, members of the Rotary Club VARANA and Rotaract offered their children the requisite supplies, hygiene products, cozonac and sweets, on which occasion I learned their stories and passions.
Also, the vouchers obtained from the campaign “DONEAZĂ VIAȚĂ” will be directed to support the Day Center in Bolotești.
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