Business … meeting
Date: 11 May 2009

The main goal of the project is to develop students` entrepreneurship, facilitating professional orientation, by knowing many alternative creativity.

Actions foreseen in project: -five seminars- discussion on topics (what a business means, the key of a success in business, to be or not to be a businessman), held in five weeks, as follows:

–          Doru Simiz – 09 martie 2009;

–          Marius Ulmeteanu – 16 martie 2009;

–          Rodica Muresan – 23 martie 2009;

–          Laurentiu Bodolan – 30 martie 2009;

–          Valentin Istudor – 6 aprilie 2009;

–          Evaluare – 11 mai 2009.

Target: 20 students from classes XI and XII, from Pedagogical College “Spiru Haret” Focsani, coordinated by Prof. Carmen Ion, Rotary Club member.

Means of assessment:

At the end of the five seminars, the students will be divided into five groups of 4 members each; each team will received 100 euro. The students will have one month to harness and multiply the money. In May, 11 all teams will present what they did with the money and what are their results. The 100 euro will be returned and the students will remain with the money earned. The team that gained more money than the rest of the teams will keep the 100 euro.

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